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Divorce & Post-Nuptial Agreements

Divorce & Post-Nuptial Agreements

Divorce & Post-Nuptial Agreements – Today’s Lessons in Life

Lesson One – The Unlucky Wife

Be careful what you sign. A judge refused to accept a Wife’s case on divorce that she had been coerced to enter into a Post-Nuptial Agreement. She sought more than the Agreement allowed her on the basis of this. The judge did not accept she had been influenced by the Husband’s behaviour, although the Husband had thrown books in the air during an argument one of which hit the wife on the head and concussed her. The Wife’s case looked as if it would fail there and then. However she had a lucky escape.

Lesson Two – the Lucky Escape

If you are going to have a Pre or Post-Nuptial Agreement make it a good one. The court gave the Wife more than the Agreement allowed her because she needed extra.  Without a crystal ball it might be hard to know exactly what a spouse’s needs will be at some indeterminate time in the future but at least try to anticipate these and make the Agreement fair. To give your Agreement the maximum chance of success always use a solicitor to draft legal documents.

Kerseys Family Law Solicitors are available for advice and assistance on all of the complexities of a Divorce along with Pre or Post-Nuptial Agreements.

Contact the Family Team at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich 01473 213311 or Solicitors in Colchester 01206 584584 alternatively visit our web site and click “Call Me Back” and a member of the team will be happy to call you.

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